专辑名称:1991 Queen - Innuendo
声道: 双声道(Stereo)


Unbeknownst to the public, Freddie Mercury had been diagnosed with the AIDS virus in the late ’80s. Although his health weakened by the ’90s, Mercury insisted that the band work on music until the very end; their final album turned out to be 1991’s Innuendo. Although it didn’t receive the same critical praise as its predecessor, 1989’s The Miracle, it was another strong album and global hit (again going gold in the U.S.). With hindsight, the song’s lyrics are blatantly autobiographical from Mercury’s standpoint, such as the reflective “These Are the Days of Our Lives” and the bold “The Show Must Go On.” Also included are a pair of tracks that deal with mankind’s inability to live harmoniously (the superb epic title track and “All God’s People”) and a humorous tribute to Mercury’s beloved pet felines (“Delilah”). Queen’s heavier side is represented by both the rock radio hit “Headlong” and “The Hitman,” while “I’m Going Slightly Mad,” “I Can’t Live With You,” and “Don’t Try So Hard” show the band’s pop sensibilities in full force, and on “Bijou,” Brian May gets to show off his guitar chops. Innuendo was a fitting way to end one of rock’s most successful careers.


01. Innuendo
02. I’m Going Slightly Mad
03. Headlong
04. I Can’t Live With You
05. Don’t Try So Hard
06. Ride The Wild Wind
07. All God’s People
08. These Are The Days Of Our Lives
09. Delilah
10. The Hitman
11. Bijou
12. The Show Must Go On




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