歌手:Anthem Lights
唱片公司:TuneCore, Inc.

美国基督教乐队Anthem Lights于2016年7月29日发布最新翻唱串烧专辑《We Got You Covered, Vol. 1》。


01 - Anthem Lights - Love Yourself - Sorry - What Do You Mean- - Where Are Ü Now-
02 - Anthem Lights - Single Awareness Medley - Single Ladies - Forget You - Heartless - Hello
03 - Anthem Lights - Something in the Way You Move
04 - Anthem Lights - Hymns Mash-Up, Pt. 2: Come Thou Fount / Be Thou My Vision / I Need Thee Every Hour / Stand Amazed in the Presence / Amazing Grace
05 - Anthem Lights - No
06 - Anthem Lights - Can't Stop the Feeling - This Is What You Came For
07 - Anthem Lights - Take Your Time - House Party - Leave the Night On
08 - Anthem Lights, Louisa Wendforff - Never Forget You - Close (feat. Louisa Wendforff)
09 - Anthem Lights - Hotline Bling - One Dance - Hold on, We're Going Home - Best I Ever Had - Forever
10 - Anthem Lights - Good Good Father
11 - Anthem Lights - America Medley- God Bless America - God Bless the USA - America the Beautiful - Star Spangled Banner



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