专辑名称:1981 Queen – Flash Gordon 2012
声道: 双声道(Stereo)


While writing and recording The Game, Queen were asked by renowned movie director Dino DeLaurentis to provide the soundtrack for his upcoming sci-fi epic Flash Gordon. The band accepted and promptly began working on both albums simultaneously. Although at first many fans criticized Flash Gordon since it was issued as an official Queen release rather than a motion picture soundtrack, it has proven to be one of rock’s better motion picture soundtracks over the years. The majority of the music is instrumental, with dialogue from the movie in place of Freddie Mercury’s singing (only two tracks contain lyrics), but the songwriting is still unmistakably Queen. Highlights abound, such as “Football Fight,” “Vultan’s Theme (Attack of the Hawkmen),” “The Wedding March,” and the heavy metal roar of “Battle Theme.” But it was the two more conventional songs that were the album’s two best tracks – the anthemic U.K. Top Ten hit “Flash’s Theme” and the woefully underrated rocker “The Hero.” With Queen involved, Flash Gordon is certainly not your average, predictable soundtrack.


01. Flash’s Theme
02. In The Space Capsule (The Love Theme)
03. Ming’s Theme (In The Court Of Ming The Merciless)
04. The Ring (Hypnotic Seduction Of Dale)
05. Football Fight
06. In The Death Cell (Love Theme Reprise)
07. Execution Of Flash
08. The Kiss (Aura Resurrects Flash)
09. Arboria (Planet Of The Tree Men)
10. Escape From The Swamp
11. Flash To The Rescue
12. Vultan’s Theme (Attack Of The Hawk Men)
13. Battle Theme
14. The Wedding March
15. Marriage Of Dale And Ming (And Flash Approaching)
16. Crash Dive On Mingo City
17. Flash’s Theme Reprise (Victory Celebrations)
18. The Hero



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