流派:RAP/HIP HOP嘻哈说唱


虽然对于一个只有一张专辑的虚拟乐队来说发布 B-sides 系列似乎有点早,但 Gorillaz 的 G-Sides 或多或少地通过从乐队的单曲中收集一些最好的额外曲目来证明它的存在,其中大部分只能作为进口产品使用。 Gorillaz 将“克林特·伊斯特伍德”和“19/2000”等引人入胜的歌曲与更古怪、更具实验性的曲目相结合,乐队将其 B 面作为进一步扩展音乐的机会,无论是通过混音还是非常规音乐草图。 G-Sides 各有特色,从 Soulchild 的“19/2000”的更活泼、更乐观的混音,到相当怪异的“Hip Albatross”,它将来自 Dawn of the Dead 的呻吟僵尸样本与 trip-hoppy 混合在一起节拍和喜怒无常的吉他。说唱歌手 Phi Life Cyber​​ 将 Gorillaz 的嘻哈根源加入两条曲目,以重制“Clint Eastwood”和“The Sounder”。简单吸引人的“12D3”,带有弹奏的吉他和俏皮的 Damon Albarn 歌声,让人想起 Blur 后来的一些作品,以及时髦的,古怪的“Ghost Train”和英文版的“Latin Simone”与出现在 Gorillaz 上的任何内容一样有趣。除了 Wiseguys 对“19/2000”的相当软弱的修改之外,G-Sides 的唯一问题是它的简洁性;美国版仅包括十首 B 面,其中没有一首来自他们最大的单曲“克林特·伊斯特伍德”。虽然大多数进口单曲都以该乐队令人惊叹的动画视频的 CD-ROM 曲目为特色,但它们都没有出现在这里。虽然增强版的 G-Sides 和日本 B-Side Collection 包含更多 Gorillaz 的 B-sides(他们可能会尽快制作视频集),但这些遗漏让 G-Sides 有点令人沮丧收藏。 Gorillaz completsists 无疑已经拥有所有进口单曲,但 G-Sides 是任何对乐队的首次亮相感兴趣的人的合乎逻辑的下一步。 [增强型英国版 CD 不仅包括“Clint Eastwood”和“Rock the House”的视频,还包括一个略有不同的曲目列表,交易“Latin Simone”和“19-2000。
Though it seems a bit soon for a virtual group with only one album to its name to be releasing a B-sides collection, Gorillaz' G-Sides more or less justifies its existence by gathering some of the best extra tracks from the band's singles, most of which are only available as imports. As with Gorillaz, which surrounded catchy songs like "Clint Eastwood" and "19/2000" with quirkier, more experimental tracks, the band uses its B-sides as a chance to stretch out even further musically, either with remixes or with unconventional musical sketches. G-Sides features some of each, ranging from the even bouncier, more upbeat remix of "19/2000" by Soulchild, to the rather eerie "Hip Albatross," which mixes samples of moaning zombies from Dawn of the Dead with trip-hoppy beats and moody guitars. Rapper Phi Life Cyber reinforces Gorillaz' hip-hop roots by joining them on two tracks, for a reworking of "Clint Eastwood" and "The Sounder." The appealingly simple "12D3," with its strummy guitar and playful Damon Albarn vocals, recalls some of Blur's later work, and the funky, quirky "Ghost Train," and the English version of "Latin Simone" are as enjoyable as anything that appeared on Gorillaz. Aside from the Wiseguys' rather limp reworking of "19/2000," the only problem with G-Sides is its brevity; the U.S. version only includes ten of the B-sides, none of which are from their biggest single, "Clint Eastwood." And while most of the import singles featured CD-ROM tracks of the group's amazing animated videos, none of them appear here. Though the enhanced version of G-Sides and the Japanese B-Side Collection feature more of Gorillaz' B-sides (and they'll probably have a video collection sooner rather than later), these kinds of omissions make G-Sides a slightly frustrating collection. Gorillaz completists will no doubt have all of the import singles already, but G-Sides is the logical next step for anyone intrigued by the group's debut. [The enhanced U.K. issue of the CD not only includes videos for "Clint Eastwood" and "Rock the House," but a slightly different track listing, trading "Latin Simone" and "19-2000.


01 - Gorillaz - 19-2000 (Soulchild Remix)
02 - Gorillaz - Dracula
03 - Gorillaz - Rock the House
04 - Gorillaz - The Sounder
05 - Gorillaz - Faust
06 - Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood (Phi Life Cypher Version)
07 - Gorillaz - Ghost Train
08 - Gorillaz - Hip Albatross
09 - Gorillaz - Left Hand Suzuki Method
10 - Gorillaz - 12D3



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