

Gorillaz 使用 iPad 和其他乐器编写和演奏的所有曲目:Korg Vocoder、Ukelele、Microkorg、Omnichord、Moog Voyager、Melodica、吉他、钢琴、Korg Monotron。除了由 Gorillaz 和 Bobby Womack 创作和表演的曲目 13。在 2010 年 Gorillaz 北美巡回演出的 32 天内在蒙特利尔和温哥华之间录制
使用的 iPad 应用程序:Speak It! / SoundyThingie / Mugician / Solo Synth / Synth / Funk Box / Gliss / AmpliTube / Xenon / iElectribe / BS-16i / M3000 HD / Cleartune / iOrgel HD / Olsynth / StudioMiniXI / BassLine / Harmonizer / Dub Siren Pro / Moog Filatron
由 Gorillaz 和 Stephen Sedgwick 制作。由 Stephen Sedgwick 和 Gorillaz 录制,第 11 轨除外,另外由 Mike Smith 录制。由 Stephen Sedgwick 在 Studio 13 混音。由 Abbey Road Studios 的 Geoff Pesche 母带。由 Chrysalis Music Ltd / Copyright Control 出版。除了 Chrysalis Music Ltd/Copyright Control/Patrick Stuart Music(BMI) Adm. Sussman & Associates/Sony/ATV Music Publishing/Lyrical Mile Music (BMI)/Canopy Music Inc., Adm. Universal Music Publishing Ltd/Keith 出版的曲目 8 外Prowse Music Publishing o/b/o EMI Miller Catalog Inc. 曲目 8 包含以下元素:Country Legends 97.1FM Houston Texas with Dan Gallo 和 Chuck Akers。布鲁克斯和邓恩的牛仔城。由布恩/纳尔逊/邓恩撰写。由 Patrick Stuart Music (BMI) Adm by Sussman & Associates/Sony/ATV Music Publishing/Lyrical Mile Music (BMI) 出版。经许可使用。版权所有。 Glen Campbell 的 Witchita Lineman 由 J. Webb 撰写。由 Canopy Music Inc. 和 Adm. Universal Music Publishing Ltd 出版。经许可使用。版权所有。 Spike Jones 的夏威夷战争颂歌 (Ta-Hu-Wa-Hu-Wai) 由 Freed/Noble 撰写。由 EMI Miller Catalog 出版。经许可使用。版权所有。
J.C. Hewlett 和 Zombie Flesh Eaters 的艺术品和设计。额外摄影:Jamie Hewlett、Seb Monk、Mike Smith、Oswald Lee Henderson。 Phoner to Arizona 视频:由 Jamie Hewlett 执导;由 Seb Monk 联合导演和剪辑; Mike Smith 和 Oswald Lee Henderson 提供的额外照片。

All tracks written and performed by Gorillaz using the iPad and additional instruments: Korg Vocoder, Ukelele, Microkorg, Omnichord, Moog Voyager, Melodica, Guitar, Piano, Korg Monotron. Except track 13 written and performed by Gorillaz and Bobby Womack. Recorded between Montreal and Vancouver over 32 days on the Gorillaz North American Tour 2010
iPad Applications Used: Speak It! / SoundyThingie / Mugician / Solo Synth / Synth / Funk Box / Gliss / AmpliTube / Xenon / iElectribe / BS-16i / M3000 HD / Cleartune / iOrgel HD / Olsynth / StudioMiniXI / BassLine / Harmonizer / Dub Siren Pro / Moog Filatron
Produced by Gorillaz and Stephen Sedgwick. Recorded by Stephen Sedgwick and Gorillaz, except track 11 with additional recording by Mike Smith. Mixed by Stephen Sedgwick at Studio 13. Mastered by Geoff Pesche at Abbey Road Studios. Published by Chrysalis Music Ltd / Copyright Control. Except track 8 published by Chrysalis Music Ltd/Copyright Control/Patrick Stuart Music(BMI) Adm. Sussman & Associates/Sony/ATV Music Publishing/Lyrical Mile Music (BMI)/Canopy Music Inc., Adm. Universal Music Publishing Ltd/Keith Prowse Music Publishing o/b/o EMI Miller Catalog Inc. Track 8 Contains elements of: Country Legends 97.1FM Houston Texas with Dan Gallo and Chuck Akers. Cowboy Town by Brooks and Dunn. Written by Boon/Nelson/Dunn. Published by Patrick Stuart Music (BMI) Adm by Sussman & Associates/Sony/ATV Music Publishing/Lyrical Mile Music (BMI). Used by permission. All rights reserved. Witchita Lineman by Glen Campbell Written by J. Webb. Published by Canopy Music Inc., Adm. Universal Music Publishing Ltd. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Hawaiian War Chant (Ta-Hu-Wa-Hu-Wai) by Spike Jones Written by Freed/Noble. Published by EMI Miller Catalog. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Artwork and Design by J.C. Hewlett and Zombie Flesh Eaters. Additional photography by: Jamie Hewlett, Seb Monk, Mike Smith, Oswald Lee Henderson. Phoner to Arizona video: Directed by Jamie Hewlett; Co-directed and Edited by Seb Monk; Additional photography supplied by Mike Smith and Oswald Lee Henderson.


01 - Gorillaz - Phoner to Arizona
02 - Gorillaz - Revolving Doors
03 - Gorillaz - HillBilly Man
04 - Gorillaz - Detroit
05 - Gorillaz - Shy-Town
06 - Gorillaz - Little Pink Plastic Bags
07 - Gorillaz - The Joplin Spider
08 - Gorillaz - The Parish of Space Dust
09 - Gorillaz - The Snake in Dallas
10 - Gorillaz - Amarillo
11 - Gorillaz - The Speak It Mountains
12 - Gorillaz - Aspen Forest
13 - Gorillaz, Bobby Womack - Bobby in Phoenix (feat. Bobby Womack)
14 - Gorillaz - California and the Slipping of the Sun
15 - Gorillaz - Seattle Yodel



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