歌手:The Paper Kites


墨尔本民谣乐队 The Paper Kites 带着第二张专辑 Twelvefour 回归,该专辑将于 8 月发行,五人组在新的预告片视频中预演了一些新曲调。 Paper Kites 的 Twelvefour 预告片(下)提供了对专辑制作的深入了解,主唱 Sam Bentley 说这张专辑是基于一天中的某个特定时间。 “这张专辑是一张概念唱片,基于一个理论,即艺术家的创作高峰期是在午夜和凌晨 4 点之间,”本特利说。 “这个想法变成了这个项目的核心,所以每天晚上当时钟滴答滴答到午夜时,我都会坐下来开始写作。 “我写到最后心想,‘我再也不会这样做了。’直到你累到没有什么听起来太过劳累的时候,写歌是很疯狂的——歌曲不会受到通常分析性大脑的限制。这张唱片是五个人试图做出让他们引以为豪的事情的声音,而我们确实做到了。” Paper Kites 与获得格莱美奖提名的制作人 Phil Ek(Father John Misty、曼彻斯特管弦乐团、Fleet Foxes、The Shins)合作制作了 Twelvefour,今年早些时候在西雅图录制了专辑的 10 首曲目。 Twelvefour 定于 8 月 28 日发行,将是 The Paper Kites 首张专辑 States 的后续作品。十二四张预购单可立即下载专辑的第一首单曲 Electric Indigo。

Melbourne folksters The Paper Kites are back with album number two, Twelvefour, which is due out in August, and the five-piece have previewed some new tunes in a new trailer video. The Paper Kites’ Twelvefour trailer (below) offers an insight into the making of the album, which frontman Sam Bentley says is based around a certain time of day. “The album is a concept record, based around a theory that an artist’s creative peak is between the hours of midnight and 4am,” Bentley says. “That idea turned into the heart of the project, so every night I’d sit down when the clock ticked over to midnight and just start writing. “I got to the end and thought, ‘I’m never doing that again.’ It was wild to write until you are so tired that nothing sounded too over-worked – songs didn’t feel restricted by a commonly analytical brain. This record is the sound of five people trying to make something they’re proud of, and we really are.” The Paper Kites worked with Grammy-nominated producer Phil Ek (Father John Misty, Manchester Orchestra, Fleet Foxes, The Shins) on Twelvefour, recording the album’s 10 tracks in Seattle earlier this year. Twelvefour is set for release on 28th August, and will be the follow-up to The Paper Kites’ debut album, States. Twelvefour pre-orders come with an instant download of the album’s first single, Electric Indigo.


01 - The Paper Kites - Electric Indigo
02 - The Paper Kites - Renegade
03 - The Paper Kites - Bleed Confusion
04 - The Paper Kites - Revelator Eyes
05 - The Paper Kites - Neon Crimson
06 - The Paper Kites - I'm Lying to You Cause I'm Lost
07 - The Paper Kites - A Silent Cause
08 - The Paper Kites - Woke Up From a Dream
09 - The Paper Kites - Turns Within Me, Turns Without Me
10 - The Paper Kites - Too Late



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