歌手:Goo Goo Dolls


从表面上看,Goo-Goo Dolls的Gutterflower是1998年《女孩迷醉》的完美延续,配有结实的吉他;肌肉发达,国歌合唱;和约翰尼·热兹尼克完美的清晰刺耳的嗓音。但仔细听,Goos的第八张专辑是用更严厉的材料制作的。毫无疑问,由于热兹尼克的离婚,昔日那些不切实际、令人向往的歌词呈现出了更黑暗的面貌。结果,Gutterflower几乎有一种关于爱情出了问题的概念专辑的感觉,Rzeznik提供了充满混乱和激动的焦虑评论。当听众试图让自己重新振作起来时,他得到了歌手受伤心灵的气压读数。幸运的是,Rzeznik是一位聪明而容易的作词人,擅长将花园中的各种神经症提升为一部相当引人注目的肥皂剧,描绘出在大卫·林奇的世界里会感到宾至如归的前卫人物。他在《大机器》(Big Machine)中建议道:“吞下你所有的苦药,这才是让你变美的原因。”而在《同情》(Sympathy)中,热兹尼克(Rzeznik)似乎在为自己过去的过错向前妻道歉,但却以优雅的机敏回击,谴责她“你从我身上偷来的所有这些想法”,Rzeznik释放了一种前所未有的狡猾和迷人的野蛮力量,使这张专辑比以前的专辑更有趣。
On the surface, the Goo Goo Dolls' Gutterflower is a seamless continuation of 1998's Dizzy Up the Girl, with sinewy guitars; muscular, anthemic choruses; and Johnny Rzeznik's perfectly articulated rasping vocals. But on closer listening, the Goos' eighth album is made of much sterner stuff. Those quixotic, yearning lyrics of yore have taken on a darker cast, no doubt due to Rzeznik's divorce. As a result, Gutterflower almost has the feel of a concept album about love gone wrong, with Rzeznik providing anxious commentary rife with images of dislocation and agitation. The listener is given barometric readings of the singer's bruised psyche as he attempts to put himself back together again. Luckily, Rzeznik is a clever and facile lyricist with a knack for elevating garden-variety neurosis into a rather compelling soap opera, sketching edgy characters that would feel right at home in David Lynch's world. "Swallow all your bitter pills, that's what makes you beautiful," he advises in "Big Machine," while in "Sympathy" Rzeznik appears to be apologizing to his former wife for his past transgressions, only to lash out with an elegant deftness, chastising her for "all these thoughts you stole from me." While he may have a face like an angel, Rzeznik unleashes a cunning and a fascinating brutish force not seen before, making this a much more interesting album than previous offerings.


01 - The Goo Goo Dolls - Big Machine
02 - The Goo Goo Dolls - Think About Me
03 - The Goo Goo Dolls - Here Is Gone
04 - The Goo Goo Dolls - You Never Know
05 - The Goo Goo Dolls - What a Scene
06 - The Goo Goo Dolls - Up, Up, Up
07 - The Goo Goo Dolls - It's Over
08 - The Goo Goo Dolls - Sympathy
09 - The Goo Goo Dolls - What Do You Need-
10 - The Goo Goo Dolls - Smash
11 - The Goo Goo Dolls - Tucked Away
12 - The Goo Goo Dolls - Truth Is a Whisper



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