歌手;Sophie Ellis-Bextor
唱片公司:UMC (Universal Music Catalogue)


Sophie Ellis Bextor的首张专辑《Read My Lips》(2001)获得三白金销量,《Shoot From The Hip》是该专辑的后续作品。这张专辑有多位联合编剧和制作人,包括伯纳德·巴特勒、亚历克斯·詹姆斯和Groove Armada的安迪·卡托,是迪斯科、流行和摇滚的令人兴奋的混合体。单曲《Mixed Up World》也包括在内。英国版包括两首奖励曲目,《Making Music》和《I Won't Dance With You》。Polydor公司。2003.
'Shoot From The Hip' is the follow up to Sophie Ellis-Bextor's triple-platinum selling debut album 'Read My Lips' (2001). The album features various co-writers and producers including Bernard Butler, Alex James, and Groove Armada's Andy Cato and is a heady mix of disco, pop, and rock. The single 'Mixed Up World' is also included. UK edition includes two bonus tracks, 'Making Music' & 'I Won't Dance With You'. Polydor. 2003.


01 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Making Music
02 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Mixed Up World
03 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - I Won't Change You
04 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Nowhere Without You
05 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Another Day
06 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Party In My Head
07 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Love It Is Love
08 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - You Get Yours
09 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - The Walls Keep Saying Your Name
10 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - I Won't Dance With You
11 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - I Am Not Good At Not Getting What I Want
12 - Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Hello Hello - Physical (Medley)



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