歌手:Carrie Underwood


Carrie Underwood选择了Carnival Ride作为她的新专辑的标题。这是她的首张CD《Some Hearts》的后续作品,该CD已被RIAA认证为六白金唱片,出货量超过600万张。《嘉年华之旅》的名字来源于她录制的一首新歌的歌词。这位《美国偶像》冠军说:“你踏上了这段被称为生命的旅程,这是一件疯狂的事情,你对此一无所知,但无论如何你都会踏上它。”。“你会尽你所能,向不同的方向倾斜,试图让它去你想去的地方,但你无法阻止它——它一直在移动。这就是为什么《嘉年华之旅》是我的专辑名称。它描述了我在过去几年里经历的奇妙疯狂。”
Carrie Underwood has chosen Carnival Ride as the title of her new album. It's the follow-up to her debut CD, Some Hearts, which has been certified sextuple platinum by the RIAA for shipments of more than 6 million copies. Carnival Ride gets its title from the lyrics of one of the new songs she has recorded. "You step onto this ride called life, and it's a crazy thing you don't know anything about, but you get on it anyway," the American Idol winner said. "You do what you can to lean different directions to try and get it to go where you want it to go, but you can't stop it -- it just keeps moving. That's why Carnival Ride works as my album title. It describes the wonderful craziness that I've been through over the past couple years."


01 - Carrie Underwood - Flat On the Floor
02 - Carrie Underwood - All-American Girl
03 - Carrie Underwood - So Small
04 - Carrie Underwood - Just a Dream
05 - Carrie Underwood - Get out of This Town
06 - Carrie Underwood - Crazy Dreams
07 - Carrie Underwood - I Know You Won't
08 - Carrie Underwood - Last Name
09 - Carrie Underwood - You Won't Find This
10 - Carrie Underwood - I Told You So
11 - Carrie Underwood - The More Boys I Meet
12 - Carrie Underwood - Twisted
13 - Carrie Underwood - Wheel of the World



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