演奏:Johannes Linstead /Nicholas Gunn
流派:NEW AGE新世纪
唱片公司:Spring Hill Music


屡获殊荣的拉丁吉他手Johannes Linstead和销量多白金的长笛演奏家Nicholas Gunn合作制作了这张极具灵感的原创歌曲专辑。约翰尼斯精湛的吉他作品与尼古拉斯热情的长笛相结合,营造出一种既迷人、有力、崇高,有时又令人难忘的美丽氛围。他们一起完成了一个新的辉煌水平,这张专辑肯定会成为一个大师级的成就。
Award-winning Latin Guitarist Johannes Linstead and multi-platinum selling Flautist Nicholas Gunn collaborate on this highly inspired album of original songs. Johannes masterful guitar work combined with Nicholas passionate flute create an atmosphere that is at once engaging, powerful, and sublime, and yet at times, hauntingly beautiful. Together they have accomplished a new found level of brilliance, an album that is sure to make its mark as a masterful accomplishment.


01 - Johannes Linstead, Nicholas Gunn - Torre De Oro
02 - Johannes Linstead, Nicholas Gunn - Costa De La Luz
03 - Johannes Linstead, Nicholas Gunn - Magic City
04 - Johannes Linstead, Nicholas Gunn - To the Sea
05 - Johannes Linstead, Nicholas Gunn - Morning Star
06 - Johannes Linstead, Nicholas Gunn - Santo Domingo
07 - Johannes Linstead, Nicholas Gunn - Rhyme of the Ancient Forest
08 - Johannes Linstead, Nicholas Gunn - Encanto
09 - Johannes Linstead, Nicholas Gunn - Ocaso
10 - Johannes Linstead, Nicholas Gunn - Island Song



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