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唱片公司:BBE Music


Matt ConawayJay Dee 和 Pete Rock 对 BBE 雄心勃勃且迅速发展的节奏组曲系列的贡献截然不同,这使得人们越来越难以辨别该品牌“真正”的音乐愿景在哪里。Jay Dee 的《Welcome to Detroit》是一首更加押韵的作品,而 Pete Rock 的《Petestrustalals》则是一首明显爵士乐、器乐为主的作品。will.i.am 的“Lost Change”是这一乐章的坚实延伸,因为它舒适地坐落在这两个版本之间,散布着同等种类的节拍和押韵。尽管威尔已经采用了以器乐为基础的系列并打上了自己的印记,但这种印记仍然偶尔包含黑眼豆豆(威尔是其成员)有机风格的色调(《亚洲星球》的“Ev Rebahdee”)。然而,BBE 的渐进式格式自由将涉足多种音乐风格。他已经准备好迎接挑战,因为“Lost Change”融合了爵士乐、电子乐、放克、加勒比海和 Trip-hop 节奏的各个方面。虽然直截了当的押韵曲目从崇高(“I Am”)到单调(由 Huck Fynn、Oezlem 和 Horn Dogs 合作的“Money”),但这是 will 真正蓬勃发展的器乐格式。表现出真正的实验技巧,他会悠闲地在雷鬼气息的“Possessions”、“Lost Change”(融合了爵士号角和垃圾场乐队即兴演奏)和“Thai Arrive”的朦胧电子模糊之间来回穿梭,就像 Radiohead 的歌曲一样展开,但没有态度。同样,《Lay Me Down》也有可能成为热门歌曲,威尔富有感染力的军鼓拍手声和幸福的号角片段为特里·德克斯特深情的歌声提供了一个冷静的平台。在“控制塔”中将插入一段声音片段,其中写道:“我正处于一项伟大成就的边缘。” 尽管“Lost Change”没有达到这些期望,但威尔在实现一系列不同风格方面做得令人钦佩,并且在此过程中没有失去听众,因为“Lost Change”是一项复杂的、音乐上令人着迷的努力,它仍然成功地被人们所接受。无障碍。
by Matt ConawayJay Dee and Pete Rock's extremely contrasting contributions to BBE's ambitious and rapidly unfolding beat-suite series has made it increasingly difficult to discern where the label's "true" musical vision lies. While Jay Dee's Welcome to Detroit was a more rhyme-orientated opus, Pete Rock's Petestrumentals was a distinctly jazzy, instrumental-based endeavor. will.i.am's "Lost Change" is a solid extension of this movement, as it cozily nestles itself in between these two releases, sprinkling in an equal assortment of both beats and rhymes. Though will has taken the instrumental-based series and put his own stamp on it, that stamp still contains occasional hues of Black Eyed Peas' (of which will is a member) organic stylings ("Ev Rebahdee" featuring Planet Asia). Yet, BBE's progressive format frees will up to dabble in a menagerie of musical styles. And he is up to the challenge, as "Lost Change" fuses together aspects of jazz, electronica, funk, Caribbean, and trip-hop rhythms. While the straight-up rhyming tracks border on sublime ("I Am") to humdrum ("Money" featuring Huck Fynn, Oezlem, and Horn Dogs), it is the instrumental format where will truly flourishes. Showing a true knack for experimentation, will leisurely darts back and forth between the reggae-scented "Possessions," "Lost Change" (which coalesces jazzy horns, with junkyard band riffing), and the hazy electronic fuzz of "Thai Arrive," which unfolds like a Radiohead track, minus the attitude. Similarly, "Lay Me Down" has the potential to be a breakout hit, as will's infectious snare claps and blissful horn snippets provide a cooled-out platform for Terry Dexter's soulful vocal scatting. On "Control Tower" will inserts a vocal clip that states, "I'm on the brink of a great achievement." Though "Lost Change" falls short of those expectations, will does an admirable job of implementing a host of different styles, without losing the listener in the process, as "Lost Change" is a sophisticated, musically enthralling endeavor, which still manages to be accessible.


01 - will.i.am, Planet Asia - Ev Rebahdee(Explicit)
02 - will.i.am, Terry Dexter - Lay Me Down
03 - will.i.am - Possessions
04 - will.i.am - Thai Arrive
05 - will.i.am, Mike Myers - If You Didn't Know(Explicit)
06 - will.i.am, Huck Fynn, Oezlem, The Horn Dogs - Money
07 - will.i.am - Lost Change
08 - will.i.am - I Am(Explicit)
09 - will.i.am, Medusa - Hooda Hella U(Explicit)
10 - will.i.am - Lost Change in E Minor
11 - will.i.am - Yadda Yadda
12 - will.i.am, Madd Dogg - Em a Double Dee
13 - will.i.am - Control Tower
14 - will.i.am - Lost Change in D Minor
15 - will.i.am - Ev Rebahdee (Instrumental)
16 - will.i.am - Lay Me Down (Instrumental)
17 - will.i.am - Possessions (Instrumental)
18 - will.i.am - Thai Arrive (Instrumental)
19 - will.i.am - If You Didn't Know (Instrumental)
20 - will.i.am - Money (Instrumental)
21 - will.i.am - Lost Change (Instrumental)
22 - will.i.am - I Am (Instrumental)
23 - will.i.am - Hooda Hella U (Instrumental)
24 - will.i.am - Lost Change In E Minor (Instrumental)
25 - will.i.am - Yadda Yadda (Instrumental)
26 - will.i.am - Em A Double Dee (Instrumental)
27 - will.i.am - Control Tower (Instrumental)
28 - will.i.am - Lost Change in D Minor (Instrumental)



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