歌手:Owl City
唱片公司:Universal Records


Owl City is a band that was formed in early 2007 and consists of one single member, 23 year-old Adam Young.In early 2009, Owl City was signed to record label Universal Republic with the help of entertainment attorney Ken Abd, It has released one album, with a second entitled Ocean Eyes to be released at iTunes on July 14, 2009, with a physical release on July 28, 2009. In 2007, Owl City released an EP titled Of June. In 2008, a second album was released, entitled Maybe I'm Dreaming. Of June reached #20 on the Billboard Electronic Albums chart, and Maybe I'm Dreaming peaked on the same chart at #16.


01 - Owl City - Cave In (Album Version)
02 - Owl City - The Bird And The Worm (Album Version)
03 - Owl City - Hello Seattle
04 - Owl City - Umbrella Beach (Album Version)
05 - Owl City - The Saltwater Room (Album Version)
06 - Owl City - Dental Care (Album Version)
07 - Owl City - Meteor Shower (Album Version)
08 - Owl City - On The Wing
09 - Owl City - Fireflies
10 - Owl City - The Tip Of The Iceberg (Album Version)
11 - Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
12 - Owl City - Tidal Wave (Album Version)



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