歌手:Alison Krauss & Union Station


This two-CD, 25-song set, recorded in Louisville on two nights in the spring of 2002, finds bluegrass's most celebrated crossover band at the top of its game. Krauss's warm, feathery vocals, capable of conveying complex emotions in a single note, appear more full-bodied than in studio recordings, yet lose none of their sensual appeal or dramatic tension. She's perfect, for example, as the melancholy temptress on "Let Me Touch You for Awhile," coming across as both savior and seductress, while Jerry Douglas's Dobro echoes the searing strains of passion and pain. With banjoist-guitarist Ron Block, bassist Barry Bales, and guest drummer Larry Atamanuik anchoring the rhythm, the ensemble deftly blends bluegrass with jazz, rock, and folk, combining lightning speed (though rushing through "Forget About It") with sophisticated chops, tangible emotion, and thrilling vocal blends. The crowd, more spellbound with every note, doesn't even breathe on "Ghost in This House" and nearly tears the place down on Dan Tyminski's voice-of-George Clooney showcase, "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow." But who could blame them? It's only one highlight on an album of uncommon artistry, a moving testament to how good live music can be in the hands of world-class players.


01 - Alison Krauss - Let Me Touch You For Awhile (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
02 - Alison Krauss - Choctaw Hayride (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
03 - Alison Krauss - The Lucky One (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
04 - Alison Krauss - Baby, Now That I've Found You (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
05 - Alison Krauss - Bright Sunny South (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
06 - Alison Krauss - Every Time You Say Goodbye (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
07 - Alison Krauss - Tiny Broken Heart (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
08 - Alison Krauss - Cluck Old Hen (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
09 - Alison Krauss - Stay (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
10 - Alison Krauss - Broadway (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
11 - Alison Krauss - Ghost In This House (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
12 - Alison Krauss - Forget About It (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
13 - Alison Krauss - Faraway Land (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
01 - Alison Krauss - A Tribute To Peador O'Donnell / Monkey Let The Hogs Out (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky / 2002)
02 - Alison Krauss - The Boy Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
03 - Alison Krauss - Take Me For Longing (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
04 - Alison Krauss - I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
05 - Alison Krauss - Maybe (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
06 - Alison Krauss - We Hide & Seek (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
07 - Alison Krauss - But You Know I Love You (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
08 - Alison Krauss - When You Say Nothing At All (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
09 - Alison Krauss - New Favorite (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
10 - Alison Krauss - Oh, Atlanta (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
11 - Alison Krauss - Down To The River To Pray (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)
12 - Alison Krauss - There Is A Reason (Live From The Louisville Palace, Kentucky - 2002)



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