歌手:The Beatles




01 - The Beatles - A Beginning (Anthology 3 Version)
02 - The Beatles - Happiness Is A Warm Gun (Anthology 3 Version)
03 - The Beatles - Helter Skelter (Anthology 3 Version)
04 - The Beatles - Mean Mr. Mustard (Anthology 3 Version)
05 - The Beatles - Polythene Pam (Anthology 3 Version)
06 - The Beatles - Glass Onion (Demo - Anthology 3 Version)
07 - The Beatles - Junk (Anthology 3 Version)
08 - The Beatles - Piggies (Anthology 3 Version)
09 - The Beatles - Honey Pie (Anthology 3 Version)
10 - The Beatles - Don't Pass Me By (Anthology 3 Version)
11 - The Beatles - Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Anthology 3 Version)
12 - The Beatles - Good Night (Anthology 3 Version)
13 - The Beatles - Cry Baby Cry (Anthology 3 Version)
14 - The Beatles - Blackbird (Anthology 3 Version)
15 - The Beatles - Sexy Sadie (Anthology 3 Version)
16 - The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Anthology 3 Version)
17 - The Beatles - Hey Jude (Anthology 3 Version)
18 - The Beatles - Not Guilty (Anthology 3 Version)
19 - The Beatles - Mother Nature's Son (Anthology 3 Version)
20 - The Beatles - Glass Onion (Take 33 - Anthology 3 Version)
21 - The Beatles - Rocky Raccoon (Anthology 3 Version)
22 - The Beatles - What's The New Mary Jane (Anthology 3 Version)
23 - The Beatles - Step Inside Love - Los Paranoias (Medley - Anthology 3 Version)
24 - The Beatles - I'm So Tired (Anthology 3 Version)
25 - The Beatles - I Will (Anthology 3 Version)
26 - The Beatles - Why Don't We Do It In The Road- (Anthology 3 Version)
27 - The Beatles - Julia (Anthology 3 Version)
01 - The Beatles - I've Got A Feeling (Anthology 3 Version)
02 - The Beatles - She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (Anthology 3 Version)
03 - The Beatles - Dig A Pony (Anthology 3 Version)
04 - The Beatles - Two Of Us (Anthology 3 Version)
05 - The Beatles - For You Blue (Anthology 3 Version)
06 - The Beatles - Teddy Boy (Anthology 3 Version)
07 - The Beatles - Rip It Up - Shake, Rattle And Roll - Blue Suede Shoes (Medley - Anthology 3 Version)
08 - The Beatles - The Long And Winding Road (Anthology 3 Version)
09 - The Beatles - Oh! Darling (Anthology 3 Version)
10 - The Beatles - All Things Must Pass (Anthology 3 Version)
11 - The Beatles - Mailman, Bring Me No More Blues (Anthology 3 Version)
12 - The Beatles - Get Back (Anthology 3 Version)
13 - The Beatles - Old Brown Shoe (Anthology 3 Version)
14 - The Beatles - Octopus's Garden (Anthology 3 Version)
15 - The Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer (Anthology 3 Version)
16 - The Beatles - Something (Anthology 3 Version)
17 - The Beatles - Come Together (Anthology 3 Version)
18 - The Beatles - Come And Get It (Anthology 3 Version)
19 - The Beatles - Ain't She Sweet (Anthology 3 Version)
20 - The Beatles - Because (Anthology 3 Version)
21 - The Beatles - Let It Be (Anthology 3 Version)
22 - The Beatles - I Me Mine (Anthology 3 Version)
23 - The Beatles - The End (Anthology 3 Version)



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