歌手:Delta Goodrem


来澳洲的国民美少女歌手Delta Goodrem的新专辑《Child of the Universe》,“宇宙之子”。主打歌《Wish You Were Here》中,Delta用歌声讲述对逝去好友的思念,她说为写这首歌曲尝试过上百种方式来表达这份对她意义重大的感情,却都不满意,好在最后还是写出了这首感人的作品。

Child Of The Universe is the long-awaited fourth studio album from Delta Goodrem. It features the singles 'Sitting On Top Of The World', 'Dancing With A Broken Heart' and the new single 'Wish You Were Here'. Delta began working on the album as far back as 2009 with a strong vision for the musical direction from the outset and she worked with friends, collaborators and celebrated songwriters/producers in their own right: Gary Clark, Vince Pizzinga and John Shanks. The deluxe edition features a second CD of an acoustic session where Delta rearranged and reinterpreted versions of tracks from the album for a different take on them.


01 - Delta Goodrem - Child Of The Universe
02 - Delta Goodrem - Touch
03 - Delta Goodrem - Wish You Were Here
04 - Delta Goodrem - Knocked Out
05 - Delta Goodrem - Sitting on Top of the World
06 - Delta Goodrem - I'm Not Ready
07 - Delta Goodrem - Hunters And The Wolves
08 - Delta Goodrem - Dancing With A Broken Heart (Album Version)
09 - Delta Goodrem - Hypnotized
10 - Delta Goodrem - Safe To Believe
11 - Delta Goodrem - The Speed Of Life
12 - Delta Goodrem - War on Love
13 - Delta Goodrem - I Lost All Love 4 You
14 - Delta Goodrem - When My Stars Come Out
15 - Delta Goodrem - Control
01 - Delta Goodrem - Child Of The Universe (Acoustic Version)
02 - Delta Goodrem - Touch (Acoustic Version)
03 - Delta Goodrem - Wish You Were Here (Acoustic Version)
04 - Delta Goodrem - Hunters & The Wolves (Acoustic Version)
05 - Delta Goodrem - Safe To Believe (Acoustic Version)
06 - Delta Goodrem - Sitting On Top Of The World (Acoustic Version)
07 - Delta Goodrem - The Speed Of Life (Acoustic Version)
08 - Delta Goodrem - Hypnotized (Acoustic Version)
09 - Delta Goodrem - War on Love (Acoustic Version)
10 - Delta Goodrem - Knocked Out (Acoustic Version)
11 - Delta Goodrem - Dancing With A Broken Heart (Acoustic Version)



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